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Fly Fishing Starter Flies

by Kevin Liang 06 Dec 2022 0 Comments

Most people who are new to fly fishing are surprised to learn that the term "fly" is often used generically. Some beginner flies are designed to resemble flying insects, while others are made to imitate the motion and appearance of fish food such as scuds, worms, and baitfish.

These are the lures that are used by anglers to catch fish. They are designed to imitate the adult and immature stages of various aquatic and terrestrial insects such as the mayflies, caddisflies, and stoneflies.

Most people who are new to fly fishing have varying answers when it comes to choosing the best beginner flies. One of the most important factors that new anglers should consider when it comes to choosing their first fly is the type of fly they can use. Besides choosing the right fly, it's also important to remember that you can't make a bunch of flies if you're only going to be fishing for panfish.

The best fly fishing lures are usually categorized into three basic categories: dry, nymphs, and streamers. You can usually find these different types of flies displayed or listed in a mail-order catalog or shop.


A dry fly is a type of fly that floats on the surface of the water and imitates various food items, such as adult mayflies, crickets, grasshoppers, and caddisflies. Due to the increasing popularity of this type of fly, it has been categorized into different categories.

Dry flies are commonly used in fast-moving waters that require quick action. They are also good for areas with choppy conditions.

A parachute dry fly is made of a hackle that's tied around a vertical post. Its lower profile makes it harder to detect strike patterns.

A comparable dry fly is made from deer hair and imitates the wing's appearance. Like the parachute fly, this type of fly also sits flush on the surface of the water.

Thrilling fly fishing when a fish takes a dry fly on the surface is one of the most exciting things about the sport. Also, the flies used for catching smallmouth and largemouth bass are also known to float on the surface.

Examples of popular dry beginner flies include the Adams fly, brassies and several caddis variations.


The wet and nymph are the life stages of various aquatic and terrestrial insects. These are the types of flies that are usually fished below the water's surface. They are best used when the water-born insects, such as mayflies, are active.

In addition to these, other types of flies are also commonly used to imitate the emerging adult stage of various insects. These are called emergers and are typically fished below or on the surface film.

Among beginner flies, the Pheasant Tail Nymph is considered a staple fly to have in all gear boxes.


A streamer is a larger type of fly that imitates swimming food items, such as minnows, sculpins, and leeches. These are commonly used to catch largemouth bass, brownfish, and other saltwater and freshwater fish such as redfish, stripers, and tarpon. Even though all fish, regardless of their size, can be taken with a streamer, this type of fly is known for its ability to land the biggest ones.

Although the Woolly Bugger is the most popular streamer, the San Juan worm is the easiest to tie.


The size of the hook that's attached to the fly is referred to as a fly size. For most trout flies, a larger number equates to a smaller size. For instance, a size 18 Adams is typically smaller than a 12 Adams. In smaller sizes, the sizes are represented by numbers. In terms of extremely large hook sizes, such as those found in 1/0, the word "ought" refers to these.


The length of the hook-shank that's attached to the fly can be different depending on the type of hook that's used. For instance, standard shanks are commonly used for large hooks. On the other hand, extra-long and extra-short shanks are commonly used for smaller hooks. Hook wire is also available in both extra-heavy and extra-fine sizes.

One of the most common hook terminology issues when it comes to the sizes of the hooks that's attached to a fly is the number of designators that are numbered. Like regular hooks, the larger the number, the larger the hook. However, unlike the smaller ones that only come in single numbers, the /0 hooks multiply by one at a time. For instance, if a size 2/0 is used, it would increase in size by one number every time it is tied. (e.g., sizes #2/0, #3/0, #4/0, #5/0, etc.).

Large hooks are usually used for saltwater and bass flies, but they can also be used for other types of fishing, such as fishing for large trout.

Article refer:
1.Choosing the Best Fly Fishing Flies
2.Fly Fishing with Ant Patterns (Setup, Flies and More)
3.Complete Guide to Fly Fishing with the Elk Hair Caddis
4.Complete Guide to Fly Fishing with the Beaded Caddis Nymph
5.Fly Fish for Bass with Poppers
6.Complete Guide to Fly Fishing with the Zebra Midge (Simple to Tie)
7.Complete Guide to Fishing and Tying the Griffith's Gnat
8.15 Best Flies for Cutthroat Trout (These Flies Work!)
9.Aquatic Fly Fishing Insects
10.Fly Fishing Starter Flies


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